Minnesota Not-so-nice

Change-making starts in our hearts, heads, and homes. Nonprofit resources to promote racial equity in your business. From my October column in Twin Cities Business Magazine.

Our state’s racial disparity data shows a reprehensible gap in academic achievement, employment and housing—to name just three indicators—between Minnesota’s white population and our state’s residents of color.

The recent shooting of Philando Castile during a routine traffic stop in Falcon Heights galvanized Minnesotans and is spurring some serious soul-searching in the white community about the ways majority-Minnesotans have not acted fast enough, compassionately enough and effectively enough to combat racial inequities and foster civil society in our state.

This is not a technical problem with a solution that can be applied. There’s no instruction manual, no quick fix. This is a cultural division that requires cultural change. We’ve reached a painful but important tipping point: The state’s white population is realizing, at last, that change begins in our own hearts, homes and heads. We have to imagine a different future for our community, one where race does not divide us and where cultures act together, not collide.

Many of Minnesota’s nonprofits are actively working to combat racial inequities. Here are some resources that Twin Cities Business magazine readers can explore to learn more about confronting racism and cultural bias personally, and in our businesses and communities. There has never been a better time to reflect on what you can do, personally, to join those working toward cultural change.

Read the entire column in this month's Twin Cities Business Magazine